How vRO 8.1 delivered thousands of integrations overnight

vRealize Orchestrator 8.1 was recently released and it comes with quite a lot of new features and improvements. In this post I will cover the support for multi-language (polyglot) development.


Polyglot is the ability to execute vRO scripts in multiple languages and runtimes, specifically Node.js, Python and PowerShell / PowerCLI. Now we can finally write JavaScript using modern constructs such as let/const, arrow functions, Promises, async/await, etc. Or the ones that prefer Python or PowerShell can finally put JS aside. Really nice stuff, but we can do a lot more…

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How does AWS Lambda invoke your Node.js function

Have you ever wondered how AWS Lambda invokes your custom Node.js function, purely in the context of JavaScript? Me neither, but after looking at the all possible ways you can define your function it sparked my interest to find out.

So in Lambda, let’s have our function defined as

exports.myHandler = function(event, context) {
  console.log("Event: " + JSON.stringify(event))
  return 'this is the result';

File: myIndex.js

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Word Chain Leaderboard

Recently the Alexa Word Chain game got an upgrade – a global leaderboard where everyone that makes a good game in competitive mode can enter and compete against other players. The leaderboard can be found here

I am very curious how this will turn out, will the GUI fit as a nice addition to the VUI of Alexa, or will it be too much of overhead for the Alexa users. Time will tell.

Good Vibe – better with 3rd party integrations

A recent new feature in Good Vibe, called Web Text-2-Speech allows it’s users to link the response of their commands to web content. This can be anything from a file or wikipedia article, to news item or weather report. Unfortunately not all sites are supported, the content of the website needs to be structured with main article sections, in order for a proper parsing of the site. Behind the scenes it is using a mix of custom code and the great tool for parsing the content.

To give more insights I am starting to write up integration tutorials. By popular demand of Good Vibe’s users we are starting with Dropbox and iTextPad

Can’t wait to see what other uses people will find!